
B2C Survey template

This B2C survey template gathers feedback from individual customers, focusing on their experiences with a company's products or services, and identifying aspects they find most appealing.

It also seeks to uncover areas needing improvement and solicits suggestions for elevating the overall customer experience.

B2C Survey

Example questions

Personal Information

Experience with our company

1. How did you first hear about our company?
1. How long have you been a customer of our company?
3. How frequently do you use our products/services?

Exceptional Aspects of Products/Services

1. What aspects of our products/services do you find most appealing?
2. How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or family member?

(1 = Not likely at all, 10 = Extremely likely)

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • 10

Delighting Customers

1. Please describe any memorable experiences you've had with our company

(e.g., exceptional customer service, product exceeding expectations, etc.)

2. What can our company do to make your experience even more remarkable?

(Please provide any suggestions or ideas you may have)

Areas for Improvement

1. If you could change one thing about our company's products/services, what would it be?
2. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions on how we can enhance our products/services to create an even more amazing customer experience:

B2C Survey Template Builder

LimeSurvey's B2C survey template builder creates surveys to gather information and feedback from individual customers about their experience with a company's products or services.

  • 800+ Free survey templates
  • 28+ different question types
  • 80+ languages
  • Quick translations
  • Multilingual surveys
  • On-brand experience and individualisation
  • Unlimited surveys & questions
  • Advanced survey features

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